We made it to Wednesday. Happy Hump Day! It's been so nice and sunny these last couple of days Jerry and I couldn't help but squeeze in some much needed yoga. The tennis court is one of our favorite places. We are like lizards sucking up the warmth from the ground. The sun beats on our skin, the breeze cools us off, the birds sing and life is good!
To me, yoga is hard to beat. I've been practicing for about 6 + years and love it. At times more disciplined than others, but primarily just learning to be free and have fun with it. I think that may be the secret to life!
Yoga has helped me find strength, flexibility and peace. It's helped me deal with stress, life issues and manage my weight. It's helped me grow and challenged me to be better than I was yesterday. It taught me that with practice, time and patience all things are possible.
Artistic Vegan - Chef 'n Yogini! That's me!
My plant-strong vegan powered husband!
Veggie Power!!!
Strength, flexibility and an open heart!
100% plant based yogi power!
Taking a walk outside or doing one sun salutation is a great way to keep your blood flowing. Don't forget to breathe!
In good health and happiness,
Artistic Vegan

Spoiled, what can I say?