Next I began posting to Facebook and decided to share my story! The initial site was born! My loving husband Jerry helped put it up. Since then I've been blogging as well as building a new site behind the scenes. It's a learning process but it's been really fun. I FINALLY have the new site ready to go which means this blog will be retiring!
Please note the posts will begin coming from a new site, please visit and subscribe today!!! You won't want to miss out. To start - an artistic raw pie with a super cute beach scene! What’s in the pipeline? YOGA with ME and so much more! has blossomed into check it out and buy a copy of my book today!
I couldn't have done it without your views & support - hugs!
Artistic Vegan ~ Christa June Clark

P.S. One last SUPER mega thanks to my sweet spectacular husband! He's spent hours helping me and has been so supportive and understanding. I couldn't do it without his support and love. Time and time again of me waving goodbye sweetie, and off to office I go for hours and hours. Thank you for holding my hand, and most importantly my heart. :)
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